Camp Hanes

On Thursday my school, Durham Academy sent the 6th grade to a camp called Camp Hanes. When I arrived at school on Thursday, my heart jumped with excitement! I saw all my friends waiting for me the minute I showed up. The 6th grade was split into 2 different buses. Before we went on the buses, we had to make a long line. As I was still excited, I was dropping my stuff and worried I forgot something. I jumped on to the bus and sat down with my friend. When the 6th grade got to camp Hanes, we all went to one room and learned the rules and all about camp Hanes.

One of my favorite things that the sixth grade did at camp Hanes was canoeing. We did lots of different activities with our activity group, but canoeing was the best! I got in a canoe with Kendall and we tried to fight the other canoes! The water was super cold so we didn’t get in. My second favorite activity was rock climbing. This was my second favorite activity because there was something called a sky hammock and it was this really big net that you got to climb up to. Me and my friends were really scared when we were up there. But it was still a really cool experience!! On the very last night we had a bonfire and it was so so so much fun!

Overall, Camp Hanes was a super fun trip. It was a really good way of bonding with our grade and getting away from home. It felt really weird to be in a cabin with people from school because some of them I have never had a sleepover with! The bus rides were also a really fun experience because we got to talk for a really long time. It was a little disappointing that it rained a lot the day we left, it would have been super fun to stay for 2 nights. I just really liked the trip overall being able to get out and have an amazing time! I loved it! Thank you Camp Hanes!